Healthcare is a universal need. Spiritual care is a universal eternal need. Combining both is a privilege and responsibility of the christian healthcare workers.


HEALTHCARE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP AUSTRALIA Planting seeds Growing roots Building character Gaining territory Establishing kingdom culture in healthcare. HEALTHCARE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL By the grace of God and undergirded by the Lord, the Holy Spirit, HCFI will become a prayerful evangelical fellowship, with trained people implementing Christ’s Great commission within the Healthcare Fields.


To play our part in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
To strengthen through the living Word, Prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit.
To consider the challenges in healthcare and seek the Lord for a biblical perspective.
To learn from each other as seen in the early church.
To raise up the next generation of leaders who will be equipped to enter the battlefield in healthcare to be a blessing and have a Christlike influence.
To be compelled to live by the love and passion for JESUS CHRIST and his love for each one of us and the people we serve.

Biblical Basis

Great Commission Matthew 28:18
Acts 1:8 through the power of the Holy Spirit reaching our
Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.
“As the Father has sent me, so am I sending you”. John 20:21
Prayer the anchor. Word to understand. Fellowship for
strength in unity.
Evangelism – lifestyle, individual and for groups.
Intentional disciple making. Matthew 28:18-20,
2 Timothy 2:2

Why we do what we do?

Healthcare is unique. There are more people walking through the healthcare facilities of the nations than through the churches. God loves the sick and dying patients. Matthew 4:23 – 34 The healthcare facilities do not close but churches may close. The Great Commission.

How do we do it?

Prayer and seeking God’s leading.
Reaching to all Christians involved in any form of caring for the sick.
Challenging them to identify their “Jerusalem “as their workplace.
Encouraging and supporting frontline workers, support workers and churches through a biblical model of discipleship, stewardship and lifestyle.

What we do?


The Healthcare Christian Fellowship International (HCFI) is involved in extending God’s kingdom in healthcare in 16 regions of the world.
This includes the Oceania region.
The HCFI is working through three strategic divisions in the region.
The Healthcare Christian Fellowship Australia (HCFA), Healthcare Christian Fellowship New Zealand and Healthcare Christian Fellowship Pacific Islands.
They function through a National action team and a National coordinator. Regional team being built within the divisions. The teams are accountable to God and report to the HCFI Global Leadership Action Team.

How can you get involved?

The HCFA invites you to join us in prayer. Become involved in healthcare ministry in your place of work and encourage others as well.
Participate in training and become the person God has called you to be.
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